Sunday, May 30, 2010


Initially I thought it was just a very honourable assessment of our entertainment industry in Ghana that got one of our finest TV presenters, Jay Foley to put up a status on facebook that read,’ OMG.. we need more theatrical events like UMOJA in GHANA. aint we all tired of all dem artiste on stage. they kwraaa they re tired. lol. ur views n shout outs r welcome. on air. y fm 107.7. sunday fresh show’. Immediately I wanted to tune in but since I was ‘church-face-booking’, I didn’t want to incur the wrath of God such that he would probably even close down facebook. I still thought about this topic as I sat in between a pretty young lady and a dozing old lady but then I thought of viewing the whole Foley profile only to realize the previous status read ‘oh my God guys the UMOJA IS full of breasts. I mean live. Ha ha ha lol. The legon porn is a joke. Lol’ I am not saying but then I thought probably the idea to have ‘more theatrical events like UMOJA’ is motivated by the need to see topless females. Then I came across freelance showbiz journalist and publicist, Ameyaw Debrah’s status which also read ‘Breast breast breast ön Umoja! Hum hum hum’, then I thought deeper. As to whether Ameyaw shares Jay Foley’s idea of more ‘UMOJA’s, I don’t know, what I know is they are both KNUST Alumni and in KNUST, except you work in the ladies bathrooms, you would hardly see a parade of ‘breasts’. So just maybe, breast fixation caused the need for this advocacy. And oh just for the record, as Jay Foley had gathered a lot of support from the over 20 commentees on his status, I saw his next comment go like ‘this is the spirit of 2getherness UMOJAAAAAAA hahahahaha’…

For Ameyaw, not much support of the idea reflected as the most notable comment went like ‘For the whole 2hrs is that the only thing u saw?’ Kinda like differences in interests! And oh, the first post his wall by a homo sapien specie that possesses ‘umojic elements(aka breasts) read ‘Sleepy head’. I didn’t know breasts could replace sleeping pills. So who adds to the list to advocate for breasts on stage?